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Top 10 Health Benefits of Painting

Known for being a pastime that’s endured for centuries as both a vocation and an occupation, painting remains to be one of the most revered and enjoyable hobbies today. Painting, however, is not limited to being just an artistic endeavor, but also enjoys many health benefits. It’s extremely effective therapeutic and calming techniques, for one, can help increase mental and physical health. In fact, there are many reasons to pick up a paintbrush and try this hobby out, but here are the Top 10 from Health Fitness Revolution and author of the book ReSYNC Your Life Samir Becic: Improves concentration – Concentrating on the subject you’re painting or concentrating on improving the details in what you’ve already painted builds essential skills in...

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Painting by Numbers Tips & Techniques

Painting Tips Acrylic is an easy water-based medium to work with that cleans up easily from most surfaces with soap and warm water. However do protect your clothing to prevent possible stains. Always be sure to select a well-lit space to work on your project. Stir paints thoroughly with toothpick or brush handle before using. Paint in small areas first and work towards larger areas. Details in faces are important, so for portraits we recommend starting with the eyes. Before changing paint colors, rinse your brush gently with water. To prevent paints from thickening, close each lid securely after use. If paint becomes thick, add one drop of clean water at a time until desired consistency. Lighter colors may require...

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The History of Paint-by-Numbers

In March 1951, shoppers of all ages descended on Macy’s in New York City’s Herald Square. Though the holidays were long over, eager customers packed in for a glimpse of the first in-store demonstration of a new craft project called paint-by-number. They swarmed the demonstrators and bought multiple sets without hesitation. Anyone present could see that the kit had mass appeal. As word of the frenzy reached the annual New York City Toy Fair taking place a few blocks away, orders began pouring in from retailers around the country. There was just one problem: The customers were fake. Or mostly fake. The creators of the phenomenon would never know for sure. The rush on Macy’s was part of one of...

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Paint-by-Number: How to Achieve the Best Results

Paint-by-number is a very relaxing craft, and the best part is you can paint beautiful masterpieces to display in your home or give as a gift, even if you’ve never painted before in your life! Whether you’re a paint-by-number expert or taking this craft up for the first time, there are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind to get the best results: Most kits contain acrylic paints, so lukewarm water usually works the best when cleaning brushes. Start at the top of your painting so the drying paint stays above the side of your hand while you paint to prevent smudging. Paint the smallest areas first, then the medium-sized, followed by the largest areas. Try to paint...

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The Mental Health Benefits of Art Are for Everyone

Creating art is a very effective way to stimulate the brain and anyone can do it. Learn the many benefits of art and why it’s so helpful for mental health. There are a lot of misconceptions floating around about art. Some think you have to be creating paintings or sculptures to be considered a real artist. Others believe that you are either born with talent — or not. Many are afraid that since they aren’t very good at something, there is no point and they won’t get any benefit from doing it. Another myth is that you have to work with an art therapist to get any therapeutic benefit from doing art. But we are all born with an innate desire to...

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